Bruce Bradberry Remembers the Zonkey

A young Bruce Bradberry on a zonkey in Tijuana while on vacation with his Dad. CREDIT BRUCE BRADBERRY

Back in the 1960’s, tourists to Tijuana would sit on a zonkey and have their picture taken. It was a good living for the owners of the zonkies (donkeys striped with lady’s hair dye) but times have changed.

Morning Edition has the story.

Northwest Public Radio’s Weekend Edition Host, Bruce Bradberry shared this photo after hearing the story We asked him what he remembers about the event.

I am now 65, so in 1956 (as shown in the photo) I was 8, and my father was 45.  Growing up in the Los Angeles area, we frequently visited San Diego, where his mother and sisters lived, and would occasionally go to the zoo, or to Tijuana (long before the drug wars).  I’m sure I loved to pretend to be a cowboy, but otherwise I don’t recall details. My Dad doesn’t appear to be quite as enchanted by the episode as me, don’t you think?

Bruce still has the same smile!

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